30 Des 2010

this is not the end of the world :)


i hate that word :(
but i must and really really say THIS!


the world isn't our own again
so see ya, bye ^^

#i hate when u'll be a liar, so GTFO!!

16 Des 2010


here they are a half of my friends that loves me MORE.hehe.. 
thank you for support guys
i dont wanna talk more about this post,just see who's the people love me,they gave me some

yippie..i love it. :)

and this is a half of them,cz i have so many FAN ART. hehe.. :D

from Briana Brutal
from Ashley Ablaze
(she's 1 of my beloved friend,she's very kind,she's model,and i ♥ her eyes,it's so big and awesome) o_O
awe.. i miss her so much but i cant found her myspace now :(

 from Kitty Scene @Facebook
(she's 1 of my best friend,she's scene queen addicted,i ♥ her style and her hair,she looks like a model,right? wow.. :O)!/profile.php?id=100000869874010

from R'obbyn Bobby Askylitdrive @facebook
from Ruby (Scream Gore Lullaby)
(yippie..i got 1 fansign at 1 of my friend in VF :D)
again and again i lost her account :(

from Iikha Ignoreyew Violentbarbiie @facebook
(ulzzang addict girl :D)!/e.mocha.kawaii

from Rou MandarinaCute @facebook
(she's a model from American Latinos,she's my bestie i've ever had,very cute,and very kind)!/rou.mandarinacute

from my besty Vynn Brutalkitty (Refina Jasmine) @FB/twitter/myspace/VF
(kindness,cute,funny,awesome,scene queen addict. here she is) ^^!/vynnbrutalkitty

from Zuii Spain Vanity @FB/myspace/VF
(scene queen model from American Latinos, she's very adorable)!/VanityGore

from Ahlie Castillo @Facebook
(she always called me her sister^^)!/profile.php?id=100000225800126

and many more (^,^)

but now my famous friend,
i'm still waiting for her sign to me.
eww..i hate waiting,but it's 

24 Nov 2010

me, myself, and i

buat kali ini gw mau ngemeng bahasa Indonesia yg baik dan benar. wehehehehe... :D

kita ngomongin curhat & tips mulu nih dari kemaren di blog, sekarang gw mau ungkapin pendeskripsian diri gw secara pribadi. let's cekidot gan.. hahahahha.. :D

*nama lengkap: Yuriza Ayu Ningsih (you know lah kan di FB gw juga tau)
*lahir dengan selamat di Bidan agak jauh dari rumah di sebrangnya ada warung tegal, samping kirinya ada gang kecil, di depannya ada jalan raya, sono-an dikit ada TK sampingnya Telkom. (nggak penting BODOH!)
*'katanya' dulu masih kecil baru berapa bulan rambut gw berdiri gan (ahahaha... 'katanya') 
*udah gedenya suka banget yg namanya Bhs. Inggris (dulu gara-gara bokap sering karaokean di rumah nyanyi lagunya "The Bee Gees", suka ikut-ikutan nyanyi sampe hapal dulu,hehe..)
*dulu suka banget nonton MTv Internasional  yg masih jaman-jamannya di TV (bukannya nggak menghargai kualitas nasional, tapi waktu itu lagi suka yg jamannya MCR di TRL)
*sempet jadi fans fanatik MCR, emo, pecinta gothic, metal, dan semacemnya (maklumlah dulu semenjak jaman-jamannya MCR "mandi,cuci,rambut", emo dibangga-banngain sebagai ikon band tersebut). 
*suka banget sama Design Art Photography
*suka banget sama yg namanya teknologi software apa aja
*suka dengan hal-hal baru berbau musik, teknologi, style
*dari dulu suka banget pake EYELINER , (hehe.. it makes my eyes sharpest. lmao XD) O_o
*nggak suka gayanya dicontek apalagi dibilang POSER sama temen sendiri apalagi orang lain (get out of my way!!!) >,<
*jaman-jaman di sekolah adalah masa kelam bagi gw, gw baru ngerasain yg namanya BESTFRIEND cuma saat-saat kuliah, walaupun di SMA banyak kenangan.
*nggak suka dikibulin, nunggu lama
*orangnya nggak bisa dandan (wkwkwkwkwk..)
*sempet belajar gitar otodidak tapi semenjak senarnya putus 1, jadi males belajar lagi
*suka banget sama photography, tapi rada canggung kalo di foto
*paling benci kalo ada orang yg men-judge style gw sebagai EMO
*addict with spongebob squarepants, chocolate, ice cream, my playstation 2
*Bhs. Inggris dan Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi merupakan pelajaran unggulan
*nggak bisa lepas sama namanya PC, modem, notebook, sama saputangan handuk
*orangnya pendiem, tapi kalo udah akrab banget pasti anda akan selalu ngakak disamping saya. 
*orangnya terkadang suka memerintah di dalam suatu kelompok kalo suatu tugas belum juga diselesaikan padahal bukan ketua kelompok, & pasti ujung-ujungnya gw juga yg jadi ketua.
*paling nggak suka sama temen yg memandang secara fisik & materi
*punya banyak akun di dunia maya (kagak penting) 
*orangnya punya prinsip & cita-cita, sekalinya pengen jadi programmer harus kesampean!!
*maniak game 
*online, salah satu kewajiban yg harus dilakukan oleh seorang cewe yg mempunyai panggilan akrab "Yuri" ini
apa lgi ya?? haha.. mungkin ada lagi, dan pasti ada yg paling privacy yg nggak bisa gw utarakan disini.
anda dapat menilai diri saya saat nanti anda bertemu dengan saya.

1 kalimat yg dapat mendeskripsikan diri gw adalah:
"Yuri adalah seorang wanita yang gila teknologi, yang diam-diam suka photography, yg nggak bisa lepas dengan prinsip untuk bercita-cita:

motto hidup saya cuma satu:

24 Okt 2010

i ♥ coontails, how can i make it? :]

Hey guys,this is infomation for u to make a coontails. I love coontails or extensions cz every scene girl wear it,

And this is how we make it:

Permanent Dye

1. Prepare. Separate the section of hair you want to dye. Make sure all remaining hair is securely pinned out of the way. If more than one section is being dyed, choose one section to dye at a time. Curly hair will need to be straightened to makes the dying process easier. You should also try to ensure that the section of hair you have chosen is of a consistent length, and that the section falls together.; sections that do not fall together will not give you the desired effect when dyed.

2. Prepare your stripes. Prepare pieces of scotch tape between 1 -3 inches long, depending on the thickness of your chosen strand, and wrap it around that section of hair. Rubber bands and baby oil also work. Just put the baby oil around the rubber band. Putting conditioner on the taped parts will help stop it from being dyed, as well as allow for easier tape removal.

3. Continue wrapping your hair with the tape, evenly spacing out the distance between each piece. Make sure the tape is tightly wrapped around your hair

4. Prepare the dye. Read the directions of your hair dye carefully and prepare the mixture. Some dyes need to be applied to slightly wet hair while others can go on dry. Make sure to wear protective gloves, and an old t-shirt. Protect your hairline and ears with a layer of Vaseline, or you may end up with multicoloured skin.

5. Apply the dye. Apply hair dye onto the exposed sections of your hair using your fingers or a tinting brush, while pinching the tape below it with your other hand to make sure the dye does not seep beneath the tape. Continue applying dye to the exposed sections, making sure they are thoroughly saturated.

6. Wait for the dye to develop. Relax during the interval, and prepare your shampoo and hair styling utensils. Make sure to read dye instructions and leave dye in only for the recommended time period.

7. Rinse. Carefully rinse your hair with water, removing the tape as you go. Make sure to remove all the excess dye. Rinse well, shampoo and condition. Try to avoid getting dye residue on your face, as it may stain

8. Dry. Dry hair and enjoy your coon tail. Should be re-straightened and possibly treated with a glossing spray for super sleek results.

and taraaaaa..there it is :]

awesome right??? :O 
yup,i wanna coontails for my hair,just for i take some :D
but my hair is black,and my mom hate me when i'm colorin' my hair =(
so i tried to make my hair more big with my comb and some gel,and the cute ribbon at the last. :)
and this is it....

i taked my pics myself at my bad mirror,and it looks i have a big hair. lol :D

21 Okt 2010


i'm just ordinary gurl who love trying something different not like the other gurls who loves talkin' about bullsh*t!.
i prefer to be a quiet gurl than too much speak without trying to do something useful for me or maybe for YOU!

"I LOVE MYSELF,AND I LOVE BEING MYSELF!" it over confident???
nope,i dont think so. LOL
i laff the motto,


cz being myself is FUN,yew can do anything u want, whenever. xD
being like other people is very bad,
whatever people say,tell to myself to ur deep inside of ur heart that it was a joke,it was a criticism for u to be THE BEST! :)

first moment in college :]

Well,is difficult to me to make a friendship (a real best friend) in here. But when the student orientation came i presume to myself that i must found many friends. :)
And now i got 4 new friends. Hell yeah!! they're same like me,always do something crazy,laughing, anything u want without care the situation. ROFL  xD. They're names are Ela,Eka,Rosma, and Mita.

we've got some nickname for our friendship,like: Ela (as known as Bule),Rosma (as known as Nenek 'grandma'),Mita (as known as Ms.Pinky),myself (hummm..idk,they're still not yet to call me like them),and Eka (i dont know what her :D

HEY!!!!! our college teacher gave some homeworks,and we must find another boy to join our group. Well,it's not difficult to find it, two boys who sat in front of me offered to join my group. YEY..!!!
They're names are Serra and Satrio,they're very funny. lol. and also crazy like ours. xD
1 more,idk his name but i know he's 1 of Satrio friend,he's always sit beside him.He's wearring glasses and like Rio's soulmate. ROFL xD. 
And now we're still BFF. :)